Wednesday, December 11, 2019

2020 Looms Large!

So, I've finally had it with Facebook, with the incessant ads, the refusal to actually do what they, it's off the air on ! January 2020, and onto MeWe.

You can find the link to that, here.

As I get better with these platforms, I'll post more content, so please be patient.To the reason of this blog: we will be documenting our movement towards becoming unleashed from a house, and leashed to a mobile home~

We will be doing as much traveling in the next few years, in anticipation of retiring, in 2026, in this, our "practice" RV, Harvey!

This first photo is in the ghost town of Keota, Colorado, one of the first settlements in this area.

This was taken this past August, up at Red Fether Lakes, one of my favorite, close-by getaways.

So, that'll be all for today!

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