Friday, March 7, 2025

Oh, Let The Rain Come Down!

 March 6, 2025: Day 31: Oh, Let The Rain Come Down!

We are just a bit past the halfway point, of our stay in the Arizona desert. Day by day, we come more to the wonderful realization that we made the right choice, to become full-time nomads.

So far....:)

We are also pragmatic enough to know that every day is a gift, and we've no guarantees that tomorrow will be as blessed as today. We also have come to realize that the things--literally, things--we thought important, are not. We have plenty of room. We have plenty of food. we have...enough. 

One Youtuber we follow has a saying: Experience Over Things. We are taking that to heart and experiencing as much as we can. Know how, when on a road trip, you'll pass historical markers, or roadside attractions, but pass them by, because you're 'on the road'?

We stop, now. We're not in any hurry, because there's more to life than increasing its speed. We smell the roses, we read the signs, we sit out Harvey...and sit.

Today...and last night, we were told this was the first measurable rainfall in Quartzsite in a year! It began late last evening as a soft sprinkle, ramping up into a good rain. It wasn't enough to fill up the myriad washes that surround us, but plenty to puddle the flat areas. It was welcome, after the big, dusty windstorm of yesterday. 

Sadly, there are no ocotillo cacti anywhere near us, to watch their dry, dead-looking sticks turn green, laden with leaves: it's one of the miracles of the desert, and it happens within 36 hours!

So, this is just a snapshot, and bear with me, 'cuz I'm still trying to figure out this blogger: stay tuned, for I may transition to something easier.

Oh, Let The Rain Come Down!

  March 6, 2025: Day 31: Oh, Let The Rain Come Down! We are just a bit past the halfway point, of our stay in the Arizona desert. Day by day...